
本篇文章给大家谈谈赤色风暴,以及环太平洋赤色风暴对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、迈克尔杰克逊赤色风暴中文歌词...





Blood On The Dance Floor 赤色风暴 (亦称:血洗舞池)

She got your number 她知道了你的底细

She know your game 她懂你的把戏

She put you under 她凌驾于你之上

It's so insane 真是疯狂

Since you seduced her 你诱惑了她

How does it feel 了解到了那个

To know that woman 女人的杀机

Is out to kill 你感觉怎样

Every night stance is like takin' a chance 每天晚上都像在冒险

It's not about love and romance 这决不是爱和浪漫

And now you're gonna get it 不久你就会明白

Every hot man is out takin' a chance 每个热情的男人都想冒险

It's not about love and romance 但这决不是爱和浪漫

And now you do regret it 现在你就要感到遗憾

To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance


And it seemed that everything was on my side 万事看来都那么顺利

(Blood on my side)

She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance


And now she's out to get me 现在她却烦缠着我

And I just can't take it 我难以忍受

Just can't break it 我不能喘息

Susie got your number 苏茜知道了你的底细

And Susie ain't your friend 苏茜不是你的朋友

Look who took you under 看看是谁放倒了你

With seven inches in 7英寸的刀插进身体

Blood is on the dance floor 血洒舞池

Blood is on the knife 血洒刀尖

Susie's got your number 苏茜知道了你的底细

And Susie says its right苏茜说没有问题

She got your number 她知道了你的底细

How does it feel 了解到这个陌生人

To know this stranger 身藏杀机

Is out to kill 你感觉怎样

She got your baby 突然之间

It happened fast 她有了你的骨肉

If you could only 除非你能

Erase the past 改变过往

Every night stance is like takin' a chance 每天晚上都像在冒险

It's not about love and romance ved' 这决不是爱和浪漫

And now you're gonna get it 不久你就会明白

Every hot man is out takin' a chance 每个热情的男人都想冒险

It's not about love and romance 但这决不是爱和浪漫

And now you do regret it 现在你就要感到遗憾

To escape the world I've got to enjoy that simple dance 远离尘嚣,我只想舞上几曲 And it seemed that everything was on my side 万事看来都那么顺利

(Blood on my side)

She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance


And now she's out to get me 现在她却烦缠着我

And I just can't take it 我难以忍受

Just can't break it 我不能喘息

Susie got your number 苏茜知道了你的底细

And Susie ain't your friend 苏茜不是你的朋友

Look who took you under 看看是谁放倒了你

With seven inches in 7英寸的刀插进身体

Blood is on the dance floor 血洒舞池

Blood is on the knife 血洒刀尖

Susie's got your number 苏茜知道你的底细

And Susie says its right苏茜说没有问题


Tom Clancy 所有作品列表(含合著)(共79部)


《猎杀红色十月号》 (Hunt for Red October,1984,又译红色十月搜寻记)这部作品在1990年改编为电影,中文版名为《猎杀红色十月》,港译为《追击赤色十月》

《赤色风暴》 (Red Storm Rising,1986,又译红潮风暴)

《爱国者游戏》(Patriot Games,1987) (于1992年改编为电影)

《克里姆林宫的枢机主教》 (Cardinal of the Kremlin,1988)

《迫切的危机》 (Clear and Present Danger,1989,又译为燃眉追击)这部作品在1994年改编为电影。


《恐惧的总合》(The Sum of All Fears,1991,又译为惊天核网)这部作品在2002年改编为电影。

《冷血悍将》 (Without Remorse, 1993)

《核潜艇之旅》(Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship,1993)

《美日开战》 (Debt of Honor,1994)

《总统命令》(Executive Orders,1996)


《镜像》(Mirror Image,1996)

《行政指令》(Executive Orders,1996)

《国家游戏》(Games of State,1996)

《海军陆战队之旅》(Marine: A Guided Tour of a Marine Expeditionary Unit,1996)

《空降兵之旅》(Airborne: A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force,1997)

《航空联队之旅》(Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat Wing,1997)

《跨过孩童时代的毒瘤》(Fighting Chance: Journeys Through Childhood Cancer,1997)

《装甲骑兵团之旅》(Armored Cav: A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment,1997)

《风暴中心》(Into the Storm,1997)



《战争行动》(Acts of War,1997)

《彩虹六号》(Rainbow Six,1998)

《无情的网络》(Ruthless com,1998)

《力量平衡》(Balance of Power,1998)

《网军》(Net Force,1998)

《航空母舰之旅》(Carrier: A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier,1999)

Net Force系列(Net Force,1999~)

《每个人都是虎》(Every Man a Tiger,1999)

《国家包围网》(State of Siege,1999)

《隐蔽监视》(Shadow Watch,1999)

《秘密协议》(Hidden Agendas,1999)

《夜间行动》(Night Moves,1999)

《打破平衡》(Breaking Point,1999)

《虚幻破坏者》(Virtual Vandals,1999)

《最致命游戏》(The Deadliest Game,1999)

《独孤求败》(One Is the Loneliest Number,1999)

《终极逃逸》(The Ultimate Escape,1999)

《伟大竞赛》(The Great Race,1999)

《终结游戏》(End Game,1999)



《影子荣誉》(Shadow of Honor,2000)

《私生活》(Private Lives,2000)

《安全屋》(Safe House,2000)


《决斗》(Duel Identity,2000)


《熊与龙》 (The Bear and the Dragon,2000)

《分而治之》(Divide and Conquer,2000)


《控制线》(Line of Control,2001)

《丝》(High Wire,2001)

《冷门》(Cold Case,2001)


《关键点》(Point of Impact ,2001)


《美国特种队之旅》(Special Forces: A Guided Tour of US Army Special Forces,2001)

《幽灵行动》 (Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon,2001)

《红兔子》 (Red Rabbit, 2002)

《使命与荣誉》(Mission of Honor,2002)

《影子武士》(Shadow Warriors,2002)

《虎牙》(The Teeth of the Tiger,2003)

《斗篷和匕首》(Cloak and Dagger,2003)

《死亡竞赛》(Death Match,2003)

《战争状态》(State of War,2003)

《换岗》(Changing of the Guard,2003)

《战斗准备》(Battle Ready,2004)

《细胞分裂》(Splinter Cell,2004)

《反恐任务》(Dead or Alive,2010年,与格兰特·布莱克伍德合著。)

《抵抗全敌》(Against All Enemies,2011年,与彼得·特莱茨合著。本作并非杰克·雷恩系列的作品)

《锁定目标》(Locked On,2011年,与马克·格里尼合著)

《入侵载体》(Threat Vector,2012年,与马克·格里尼合著)


赤色风暴的拼音:chì sè fēng bào


【拼音】:chì sè




【拼音】:fēng bào




