
本篇文章给大家谈谈作业答案,以及作业答案搜题神器对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、四年级数学暑假作业及答案 2、...




期中考试即将到来,那么作为一名学生,你是否已经为接下来的期中考试做好准备了呢?下面是我为大家整理的 四年级数学 暑假作业及答案,供大家分享。


一、填空。(17分 每空1分)

1、6.976保留两位小数是( ),精确到十分位是( )。

2、有一个数千位上和百位上是6,其余各位上都是0,这个数写作( ),读作( ),它的计数单位是( )。

3、4吨50千克=( )吨 3.6小时=( )小时( )分

4、19×25×4=19×(25×4)是运用了( )。

5、5厘米=( )米(用小数表示)

6、一个数的近似值是9万,这个数最大是( ),最小是( )。

7、一根木料,每锯断一次要2分钟,把这根木料锯成5段要( )分钟。

8、甲数是356,比乙数多48,甲、乙两数的和是( )。

9、0.056扩大到它的( )倍是56。

10、10个0.1是( )。

11、把2.5的小数点向( )移动两位是0.025。

二、小法官(对的打“√”,错的打“×”)。(12分 每题2分)

1、把小数点移动两位,原来的数就扩大100倍。 ( )

2、5.009保留一位小数是5.0。 ( )

3、3.5米=3米5厘米 ( )

4、如果a+1980=b+2100,那么ab。 ( )

5、0.8与0.80大小相等,而且计数单位也相同。 ( )

6、小数点的后面添上“0”或去掉“0”,小数的大小不变。( )

三、选择。(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)(8分 每题2分)

1、3×4×11×25=(3×11)×(4×25)是运用了乘法的( )

A、交换律 B、结合律 C、交换律和结合律 D、分配律

2、274-101错算成274-100+1计算结果与正确结果相比是( )

A、一样多 B、多1 C、少1 D、多2

3、把0.85的小数去掉,它( )

A、大小不变 B、扩大10倍 C、扩大100倍 D缩小100倍

4、小刚在读一个小数时,把小数点丢了,结果读成三万二千零一。原来的小数只读一个零,原来的小数是( )。

A、3200.1 B、32.001 C、3.2001 D、320.01



125×8 6600÷600 621-99 20×4÷20×4

28×101 39×30 76+24 425-176-124

2、用简便 方法 计算。(12分)

102×42 39×161+39×39 898-(298+415)

47+99×47 125×(8×238) 3000÷125÷8


400-225÷5 972÷(720-21×33) 848-800÷16×12

五、小小向导我来当。(8分 每空0.5分)

(1)小兵家去学校的路线是向( )偏( )、( )方向。距离是( )米到邮局,再从邮局向( )的方向走( )米到超市,再从超市向( )偏( )、( )的方向距离是( )米就到学校。

(2)小红去学校的路线是向( )方向走( )米到医院,再从医院向( )偏( )、( )的方向距离是( )米就到了学校。








一、①、6.98 7.0 ②、6000.06 六千点零六 0.01或

③、 4.05吨 3小时36分 ④、乘法结合律 ⑤、0.05 ⑥、94999 85000 ⑦、 8 ⑧、664 ⑨、1000 ⑩、1 (11)、 左

二、①、× ②、√ ③、× ④、√ ⑤、× ⑥、×



一. 计算


40×25= 64÷8×5= 28+169+72= 32×3÷32×3=

800÷40= 125×8= 60+840÷70= 3×( 36+54 )=

3000÷60-3000÷75= 100-48+152=


5000-666÷37×34 29×45-45×17

(73+54)×(72÷9) 20×[250+(265-225) ]

928-28×(73-46) 7800÷[300+5×( 66+134 )]


1、我们把每小时(每分、每天等)完成的工作量叫做( )。

2、工作量=( )×( ) 工作效率=( )÷( )


表示工作量的数是( ),20台表示( ),34天表示( )。

4、在一个算式里,如果既有圆括号,又有方括号,要先算( )里的,再算( )里的。

5、把“45-15=30 30÷3=10 6×10=60”合并成综合算式:


三.选择,把正确答案的编号填入( )。4%

1.与 36×25结果相等的算式是( )

a、(4×25) ×(9×25) b、(9+4)×25

c、(4×25) +(9×25) d、(4×25) ×9

2. [1188-5×( 66+134 )] ÷94的运算顺序是( )

a、加→减→乘→除 b、加→乘→减→除

c、乘→加→减→除 d、乘→除→加→减


五、用下列各组中的四张牌算“24”,你行吗?请列出综合算式并计算。 10%

4、3、6、8 10、4、2、8





4、小巧、小胖和小亚一起去 游泳 池游泳。小胖游了400米,比小巧多游100米,小亚游的距离正好是小巧的2倍。小亚游了多少米?








40×25=100 64÷8×5=40 28+169+72=269 32×3÷32×3=9

800÷40=20 125×8=100 60+840÷70=72 3×( 36+54 )=270

3000÷60-3000÷75=10 100-48+152=204













20×[250+(265-225) ]








7800÷[300+5×( 66+134 )]






1、我们把每小时(每分、每天等)完成的工作量叫做( 工作效率 )。

2、工作量=( 工作效率 )×( 工作时间 )

工作效率=( 工作量 )÷( 工作时间 )


表示工作量的数是( 680 ),20台表示( 工作效率),34天表示( 工作时间)。

4、在一个算式里,如果既有圆括号,又有方括号,要先算( 圆括号 )里的,再算(方括号 )里的。

5、把“45-15=30 30÷3=10 6×10=60”合并成综合算式:


6、 (207-87÷29) ×65用文字描述为:

207减87除以29 的商,再乘65,积是多少?

三.选择,把正确答案的编号填入( )。4%

1.与 36×25结果相等的算式是( d )

a、(4×25) ×(9×25) b、(9+4)×25

c、(4×25) +(9×25) d、(4×25) ×9

2. [1188-5×( 66+134 )] ÷94的运算顺序是( b )

a、加→减→乘→除 b、加→乘→减→除

c、乘→加→减→除 d、乘→除→加→减






五、用下列各组中的四张牌算“24”,你行吗?请列出综合算式并计算。 10%






















4×2=8(平方米) 8平方米=800平方分米 800÷(2×2)=200(块)


1. 2017小学四年级寒假作业答案

2. 2017四年级数学应用题

3. 2017年四年级数学下册期末试卷带答案

4. 2017年最新四年级下册数学期末测试题及答案

5. 2017年四年级数学上册第一单元测试题及答案

6. 2017年四年级下册数学期末考试试卷及答案




























The 1st Day

一、1. clever 2. easy 3. newspapers 4. windows 5. masters

6. glasses 7. newest 8. funny 9. wonderful 10. cameras

二、1 – 5 DDBCD 6 – 10 DBBCD


四、1. don’t do 2. Is there any 3. watches 4. Where does; live

5. When does;play 6. for Millie’s 7. good swimmer 8. was born

五、1. has 2. are 3. Does; take 4. to play 5. don’t watch

6. drawing 7. do; do 8. to keep 9. asking 10. visiting

六、1 – 5 ACBCA 6 – 10 DCCAC

七、1. My cousin also has a pair of football shoes.

2. This is a photo of my family.

3. Tom is the best at swimming in our class./ Tom is the best swimmer in our class.

4. The ticket for each adult is ten dollars.

5. Basketball players look tall and strong.

The 2nd Day

一、1 – 5 DGAJB 6 – 10 IEFCH

二、1 – 5 DDCBD 6 – 10 BDBBA

三、1. spends; writing 2. buy; for 3. is lying 4. I am; friend 5. Which man

6. Let’s go to school. 7. Don’t open the door, please

8. Are there any chairs; Yes, there are

四、1. A How 2. D Uncle John 3. D there is 4. C has 5. C be late

五、1. Are you; I’m 2. This is; twin brother 3. are nineteen students; a teacher

4. know this boy 5. best swimmer

六、1 – 5 BDCCB

The 3rd Day


二、1. grandparents’ 2. each 3. exercises 4. kind 5. email

6. both 7. price 8. information 9. together 10. except

三、1 – 5 BBDCA 6 – 10 CDBAC 11 – 15 DBACD

四、1. Both; and; are 2. Does; watch 3. What’s; price 4. goes to; by bus 5. like; best

五、1. All of the students in our class like this story very much.

2. We often have dinner at my grandparents’ home.

3. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden.

4. I don’t often make this kind of model plane.

5. I hope you can enjoy yourself at the party.

六、1. There are some walkmans in this shop.

2. I get happy when I dance.

3. Father goes to work without having breakfast.

4. Let him fly his kite in the park.

5. What is your hat made of?

七、1 – 5 ABBDC 6 – 10 CBCCD

The 4th Day

一、A) 1. teeth 2. candies 3. watches 4. brothers’ 5. activities

6. really 7. fishing 8. usually 9. holidays 10. closed

B) 1. on 2. for 3. in 4. at 5. on

6. of 7. with 8. by 9. as 10. at

C) 1. telling 2. to use 3. are listening 4. to have

5. Does; do 6. Is 7. turn 8. Are watching

二、1 – 5 CBCCD 6 – 10 BADBC

三、1. Children’s Day 2. Which umbrella; yours 3. Which festival do; like

4. my favourite sport 5. don’t think he is

四、1. calling — called 2. exciting — excited 3. have — having

4. to do — doing 5. for — as

五、1 – 5 DCBDA

六、1. same 2. Maths 3. student 4. only 5. with

6. hard 7. be 8. sport 9. Why 10. counts

The 5th Day

一、1 – 5 CBCBA 6 – 10 CBCCA

二、1. interesting 2. called 3. helpful 4. suitable 5. excited

6. first 7. swimmers 8. letting 9. having 10. Children’s

三、1 – 5 CBACC 6 – 10 BDACC

四、1. eating; with; in 2. make; out of 3. shines through

4. Which; sister’s favourite festival / Which festival does; like best 5. my first time

五、1. How long 2. Whose turn 3. Which woman

4. borrows; from 5. called 6. has

六、1 – 5 ABCAB 6 – 10 DCBDA


The 6th Day


二、1. dress up as 2. people in the West 3. not…any more 4. play a trick on sb.

5. be on holiday 6. in many ways 7. my favourite festival 8. Happy Halloween

9. keep healthy 10. twice a week

三、1. drinks 2. September 3. shelves 4. Grey 5. posters

6. easy 7. lies 8. energy 9. Anyone 10. date

四、1 – 5 BDCBA 6 – 10 CDADB

五、1. Is there any fish on your shopping list?

2. It’s difficult for Americans to study Chinese.

3. Daniel wants to play basketball but he can’t run fast.

4. How long does your parter watch TV every week?

5. How often does Mrs White go swimming?

六、1. There is too much sugar in chocolate.

2. I like vegetables and fruit because they are good for me.

3. Is it time for babies to listen to music?

4. If you feel hungry and tired, have a cup of tea and have a rest.

5. Mr Li always reads newspapers before meals.

七、1 – 5 DCBCA 6 – 10 ACDCB

八、One possible version:

Tom usually has breakfast at home at 6:30.Before, he liked to have fast food. Now, he changed his diet. He often has some milk, bread and eggs for breakfast.At12:00, he has lunch at school. He often has some rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes, he has fish. He often has supper with his family together. Now he is healthier than before.

The 7th Day

一、1. seldom 2. model 3. before 4. hungry 5. change

6. special 7. healthy 8. tired 9. twice 10. hamburgers

二、1 – 5 DDCAC 6 – 10 ADCAB

三、1. Why do; like 2. keep; fit/ healthy 3. Don’t; eat

4. What does; get 5. all the time

四、1. It’s very important to drink a lot of / a plenty of water every day.

2. How long do you sleep every day?

3. Good luck with your new diet and lifestyle.

4. Kitty plans to go swimming three times a week.

5. Students spend about seven hours a day studying at school.

五、1. This is not my mother’s sweater.

2. Does she want to dance?

3. I can learn a lot about Chinese History.

4. What is your favorite subject?

5. What time does she usually go to bed?

六、1 – 5 BBADD

七、1. usually 2. after 3. desk 4. Chinese 5. into

6. turn 7. help 8. Let’s 9. minutes 10. please

The 8th Day

一、1. tomatoes 2. scoring 3. Wednesday 4. list 5. January

6. neighbours 7. comfortable 8. expensive 9. matches 10. chooses

二、 1 – 5 DBDBB 6 – 10 BABCB

三、1. speak to 2. gets to 3. is putting on 4. get up 5. get back

6. is taking off 7. There is 8. at weekends 9. see a doctor 10. is looking for

四、1. Is; or 2. more than 3. is/ looks like 4. They put about five eggs in a box.

5. favourite fruit

五、1. My parents and I are all good at sports.

2. I usually go running for one hour at weekends.

3. Does he take a bus to work every day? No, he goes by bike.

4. It is good to eat different kinds of food.

5. This is really a good place to play computer games.

六、1 – 5 CBCBD 6 – 10 AACDA

七、1. housework 2. hurry 3. take 4. yourself 5. worry

6. leaves 7. begins 8. know 9. help 10. think

The 9th Day

一、1. keep healthy/fit 2. be good for 3. be hungry 4. too much sugar

5. finish doing homework

6. 祝贺你! 7. 不再 8. 变得疲劳 9. 从不运动/锻炼 10. 感觉好些

二、1 – 5 CBDCA 6 – 10 CBDAC

三、A) 1. traditional 2. well 3. less 4. Teachers’ 5. dancers

B) 6. chatting 7. to buy 8. Did; invite 9. going 10. doesn’t fit


五、1. doesn’t; enough; to buy; present for 2. getting fat 3. It’s important

4. seldom eat 5. exercise for

六、1. didn’t; any more 2. are some watches; boxes 3. How long does; play

4. with; and 5. walks home

七、1. They often plays football on the football field.

2. Kitty goes to her dancing lessons every day except Sunday.

3. Do you get red packets from your parents at Chinese New Year?

4. He doesn’t plan to have meat or bread for dinner

5. How many kinds of food can you eat in the restaurant?

八、1. It happened in the 18th century.

2. He liked to play cards for money.

3. He put the meat between two pieces of bread and held the food in his right hand while he played cards with his left hand.

4. Because they liked Sandwich’s idea.

5. Both.

The 10th Day

一、A) 1. Finally 2. after-school 3. candles 4. January 5. autumn

6. reason 7. However 8. fashion 9. boring 10. through

B) 1. raising 2. sounds 3. to practise 3. finishes 5. paid

二、1 – 5 CABCB 6 – 10 CBACA

三、1 – 5 FDECA

四、1. are some shoe shops 2. There are many 3. Which woman

4. Is; flying kites 5. There are different kinds of books in the bookshop.

五、1. How much is this pair of trousers?

2. She doesn’t eat any snacks or sweets any more.

3. Can we buy our grandpa some mangoes?

4. She is chatting with her friends on the Internet now.

5. I think we need enough water to keep healthy every day.

六、1 – 5 BDCAC 6 – 10 DBBAC

七、1. food 2. tall 3. lives 4. hard 5. fat

6. sit 7. still 8. try 9. Perhaps 10. without

The 11th Day

一、1. because 2. popular 3. also 4. jeans 5. cotton

6. soup 7. pretty 8. interesting 9. juice 10. tomatoes

二、1. to close 2. spends 3. speaking 4.( is )lying 5. Eating

6. dresses 7. am not feeling 8. collecting 9. carry 10. to drink

三、1. watch less TV 2. wait a moment/ minute

3. have/take a look 4. never mind

5. buy sb. sth./ buy sth. for sb. 6. on the top floor

7. the computer games center 8. write (a letter) to

9. at present/ at the moment/ right now 10. wait for my turn

11. borrow… from 12. try on

13. ask for help by calling 110/call 110 for help 14. different kinds of

15. a good place to meet friends 16. a sports shop

17. pay for… 18. pocket money

四、1 – 5 DBBCB 6 – 10 DBADB

五、1. It’s very easy to find the new supermarket.

2. It’s a good place to meet friends.

3. My cousin spends 30 yuan on/ buying this T-shirt.

4. What size are your feet?

5. I want to take/have a look at that music box.

六、1 – 5 DABBD

The 12th Day

一、1. friend 2. woman 3. National 4. same 5. wearing

6. large 7. fun 8. needs 9. restaurant 10. tie

二、1 – 5 ADCCB 6 – 10 ACDDD

三、1. playing with 2. keep healthy 3. in the future 4. any more

5. to borrow…from 6. go shopping 7. try to 8. at the moment

9. is trying on 10. is away

四、1. go on a trip 2. Would; like to 3. My favourite lessons

4. e-mail me 5. meets; at the weekend

五、1. I need you to help me (to) clean the classroom.

2. My mother’s birthday is coming (up).

3. How much does the pair of shoes cost?

4. I don’t have enough money to buy you a present.

5. The shoes match her favourite T-shirt well.

六、1–5 ADBCB 6–10 CDACD

七、1–5 FTFFT

The 13th Day

一、1. 1ook for 2. just a minute 3. a police car 4. shopping malls 5. teach us English

6. 给她买张唱片 7. 进行学校旅行8. 除了你我之外 9. 没关系;不要紧

10. 向某人问好

二、1. to say 2. on the top 3. Is; running 4. isn’t free 5. modern

三、1. about 2. By 3. for 4. with 5. after

6. of 7. to; with 8. to 9. through 10. at

四、1. Fine 2. weather 3. cold/hot 4. hot/cold 5. have

五、1 – 5 BCDAD 6 – 10 ABCDC

六、1. some shoe shops 2. How many times do you take the medicine a day?

3. There are 4. What is; doing 5. We don’t need to buy any vegetables.

七、1 – 5 DBBAD

八、1. take 2. true 3. why 4. safe 5. friends 6. place 7. feel 8. child

The 14th Day

一、1. lazy 2. smart 3. choose 4. colourful 5. noodles

6. poor 7. hundred 8. lemon 9. holiday 10. careful

二、1 – 5 CBDBD 6 – 10 CADCA

三、1. looking 2. colour 3. about 4. enough 5. larger

6. on 7. made 8. much 9. take 10. money

四、1. music 2. borrows 3. first 4. healthier 5. keeps

6. friends 7. writing 8. worried 9. rainy 10. photos

五、1. I don’t know what to say at the meeting today.

2. I hope you will like the fashion show.

3. How long does it take you to finish your homework every day?

4. I am wearing the popular clothes from the 1980s.

5. Are these scarves made of silk?

六、1 – 5 BABDC

七、One possible version:

My Good Friend

I have a good friend. He is a Chinese boy. His Chinese name is Li Ming and his English name is Daniel. He is 14 years old now. He studies at No. 1 Middle School. He is in Class 8, Grade 1. He is good at English, math and computer. He can sing and play basketball very well. He likes watching TV, too. He is very kind and friendly. He always helps others. He is polite and helpful. I like him very much.

The 15th Day

一、1. biscuits 2. knives 3. never 4. polite 5. borrow

6. style 7. Thursday 8. kitchen 9. members 10. library

二、1 – 5 ABBAB 6 – 10 DACDB

三、1. Does; do 2. Where do; go 3. How many babies are 4. takes a bus

5. buy; for 6. English; but; don’t

四、1. well 2. nice 3. comes 4. cooking 5. only

6. clubs 7. have 8. sounds 9. polite 10. them

五、1. I was born in Shanghai, but live in Suzhou.

2. Do you like to talk on the phone with your friends?

3. I usually go running for one hour at weekends.

4. It’s time for after-school activities.

5. The sports shop is open at 8.00 a.m., and it is closed after 5.00 p.m.

六、1 – 5 BADCD 6 – 10 CBADB

七、1 – 6 FFTFFF

寒假 学习计划 怎么写
























5、读一部好书,写出 读后感 。

6、根据身边的事物写一些 文章 ,并选出一篇自己认为好的文章。锻炼自己的写作能力。

7、看一部好的电影,试着写出 观后感 。







14、多帮妈妈分担力所能及的 家务活 ,多向妈妈学习做饭 炒菜 等的生存技能。

寒假里的一天 作文






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